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Restoration of blood flow can improve wound healing in many ways
Mitigating Inflammation
Reducing Oxidation
Improving Microvascular Perfusion
Increasing Oxygen Uptake
Strengthening Angiogenesis
Blocking Complement Activation
Facilitating Collagen Formation
A 59 year old white male with very old wound at
 onset of gas gangrene who was scheduled for urgent
 amputation. He received wide
 surgical debridement 
followed by VAT and 
standard wound care.
 Patient reached 100%
 granulation of the wound 
on day 85. Five days later,
 his gangrene was
 completely resolved. He
 regained his weight
 bearing and walking
 ability. The wound was 
completely closed.
For a copy of our brochure "Advanced Wound Care" as a PDF document, click here
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